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It's Easy Bein' GreenIt’s Easy Bein’ Green
It's Easy Bein' Green
It’s Easy Bein’ Green

Why Green?

Green means pursuing a more environmentally beneficial approach than would have been conventionally pursued. The Carnegie Science Center decided to create a green building in order to build responsibly, use space efficiently, use fewer resources, build more durably and operate more efficiently – and to share its strategies.

Stormwater Management

Our rain gardens (all native plantings that don’t require hose-watering) filter 100% of the storm water from the PPG Science Pavilion roof. This reduces the burden on the sewer infrastructure and decreases risk of overflow into the rivers during heavy rains.

Why Smart Power?

Our electrical equipment was designed and selected to minimize spikes in building energy demand. These spikes occur when equipment starts up and can lead to higher-cost demand charges. Data provided by this equipment allows our operational team to better manage systems in the building for improved operational efficiency.